Privacy Policy



“Personal Data” any information relating to a natural person identified or who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more elements specific to him.

We process the Personal Data that you agree to give us automatically. They are collected via our website or by third parties.

We collect the data you share with us when you make an online purchase, create an account, choose to subscribe to our newsletter or a customer loyalty program, when you agree to receive SMS alerts, contact our customer service, carry out feedback or a special request, when you submit a review, chat via chat or any other means of interaction with AXLLE MY. Below are examples. You will be systematically aware of the data collected because this is what you agree to communicate during your customer experience. We need certain data to contact you or for you to use our services, in some cases this is optional and will not impact your access to the Site.


When you visit our website, register or order products and services from the site, we collect and process data regarding your use of our website and services (usage data), This data includes: Your IP address, Your geographic location, The type and version of your browser, The operating system of your computer, The referral source, The duration of your visit, The pages of the website that you consulted, The navigation paths of the website, as well as information about the timing, frequency and trend of your use of our services. Record your interactions and interests with our website, products and services.

We may share certain data with our partners (“Partners”) in order to improve their services to customers.

This information is collected to provide you with a better experience when you visit our website and to tell us about how you use it; your place of residence; how you accessed our website; how much time you spend watching it; what you watch and how many times you visit it.


If you choose to place an order on our Site, we ask you for the following information in order to process your request: A valid email address to send you a confirmation email during the processing of your order. This e-mail contains your name, address, AXLLE MY customer number (if you have one), the list of products purchased, an order number, confirmation of your delivery choice. Please note that this email does NOT contain your banking information.


Cookies are small amounts of information that we store on your computer. Unless you indicated your objection when you provided your details to us, our system will install cookies on your computer when you log in to our website. Cookies make it easier for you to log in and use our website on future visits. They also allow us to monitor website traffic and personalize the content of our site for you. We use cookies to collect: (1) elements of your profile, (2) your areas of interest on our sites, (3) the products placed in your basket, (4) the pages you visit during your shopping . The only Personal Data held by is that which you have communicated. You can configure your computer to reject cookies. In this case, however, you may not be able to use certain features of our website. Cookies generally do not contain information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we maintain about you may be linked to information stored in and obtained from cookies. It is important to note that although we offer the possibility of disabling cookies, by doing so our website may stop functioning correctly or completely.


II. HOW DO WE USE YOUR Personal Data

We use your Personal Data to operate our Site, facilitate order processing, educate our users and improve the content of our Site and its offerings. We process your Personal Data for professional purposes: payments, sales, marketing, recruitment, employee training, analyses, security, research in compliance with current and related laws.


III. SHARING OF Personal Data

We may share your Personal Data with third parties in the following cases:

Service providers. We share our customers' Personal Data with our service providers responsible for the proper functioning of the Site. The providers with whom we share them are: (i) service and payment providers, (ii) customer service, (iii) automatic marketing platforms for sending newsletters and other announcements, (iv) Site host and (v) logistics providers in the context of order processing. These service providers are authorized to use your Personal Data for the proper processing of orders only and strictly within this framework.


Subsidiaries & Business Partners. To process your orders, we may share with our subsidiaries and/or business partners your name, postal address, email, credit card number. This sharing is done at the strict minimum of the information necessary for the proper processing of your orders. When you opt to receive promotional offers and exclusive discounts from our subsidiaries & business partners, your data is shared in this context. You may receive offers directly from us or from our affiliates and business partners. As part of your agreement to receive these offers, we may also share demographic, geographic and any other data that we may have collected about your preferences when visiting the Site. This data allows us to send you tailor-made offers, adapted to your profile. We do not share any of this data in any way other than this.


Public Content. If you post comments, images or other types of content in a public place including public websites, applications, repositories or social networks, your content will be public.


With your consent. We may share your Personal Data with third parties as long as you have consented to this. For example, we highlight opinions published by consumers on our Site, our social networks or any other platform belonging to us. With your permission, we share these reviews with your name. If you would like to change, update or delete your review you can contact us at the address at the top of this page.


Anonymous Data. We may share data anonymously, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Assignment, Transfer or Bankruptcy. In the context of a sale, assignment, transfer or bankruptcy of part or all of our company, Personal Data may also be transferred. We reserve the right to share your data and that of other consumers with third parties. All data transfers will be made within the framework of this confidentiality policy unless ordered by a court or with your agreement. All new data shared by you after an assignment or transfer may be subject to a new confidentiality policy, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.


Subpoena; Protection of rights; Security. We may share your Personal Data with third parties when necessary or requested in the context of legal proceedings or when we consider it necessary to respond to an emergency but also to protect our rights, in the context of a fraud investigation, on government or police request, or to enforce our terms of use.



AXLLE MY retains Personal Data for a period of time, for all the reasons mentioned above. Personal Data is retained and archived for periods required by authorities. When archiving is no longer necessary, the Personal Data is then deleted.

We retain data relating to your account, including Personal Data, as long as your account is active. When you delete your account we delete this data. Your order history and payment information are retained as part of our accounting and legal obligations and so that we can process returns and products under warranty. We retain other financial data as part of our obligations.

We destroy, erase or anonymize the archives or Personal Data in our possession when: (a) the initial purpose for holding this data is no longer current and (b) the retention is no longer necessary for purposes legal or professional reasons. Please note that we may retain certain information in our internal systems in the event of an audit.

We keep your Personal Data, such as that communicated during a job interview, for one year after the decision and even if the position has been filled.

We update the Personal Data retention policy regularly so that it is constantly consistent with the laws in force. We carry out regular audits of our archives to ensure that data storage is in accordance with this privacy policy.


V. PROTECTION OF Personal Data

AXLLE MY protects the Personal Data in its possession through security procedures and to protect and fight against accidents, loss, alteration, access and unauthorized sharing of this data. We implement technical and organizational means to maintain a high level of protection and security on our Site and we may use third parties in this context.

We regularly consider new innovative solutions and methods when developing and updating our Site. Here are some examples of the solutions used. When you wish to log into your account on our Site, we will ask you to select a username and password. We recommend keeping your password secret and not disclosing it to third parties during possible telephone calls or e-mails. Remember to always log out of the Site when you are finished and exit your browser on your computer or mobile. This helps prevent unauthorized access by people using your computer, tablet or mobile.

Please note, however, that despite our many precautions we cannot guarantee 100% the security of your Personal Data. Confidentiality and security are not assured when this information is transmitted via email or a wifi connection. Third parties are sometimes able to illegally intercept your encrypted messages. If you make contact via chat or post a review online, your email address may be collected by malicious advertisers to send fraudulent emails commonly known as spam. The best protection is to use common sense in all your digital activities. Take care to only disclose your email when it is safe to do so. Also watch out for scams or when you are asked to share or send your name, password or banking information. Take care to always ask for the identity of the person requesting access to your Personal Data. Always monitor your children's digital activity and educate them on safe internet use. We are convinced that these precautions increase the protection of your Personal Data when you use the internet.